Thursday, March 15, 2007

Curiosities at Niagara Falls

When the Niagara River below the Falls froze over "Until 1912,visitors were allowed to actually walk out on the ice bridge and view the Falls from below. February 24th of 1888 the local newspaper reported that at least 20,000 people watched or tobogganed on the ice. Shanties selling liquor, photographs and curiosities abounded. On February 4th 1912 the ice bridge broke up and three tourists lives were lost."

Well the shanties selling photographs have been replaced by 4D movies but, other than that the liquor and curiosities truly do abound. Haunted house followed by inn followed by wax museum then pizza place then cuban cigars then haunted house then the crimianls wax museum then the gentlemen's club then inn after inn after inn.. very curious.

Clifton Hill, Niagara Falls

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