Sunday, October 07, 2007

Crepuscular rays

Crepuscular rays
, god rays or, I suppose, Ra Rays - if Ra is your god. Not to be confused with Rae Days, the favourite days of all Ontario early 90s school children.

Guelph, October 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, Rae days. The only part of it we understood was that they were like P.A. and P.D. days (not that we knew what those were) in that we just didn't go to school, that's all we were really interested in knowing. Hey, I saw Ron Sexsmith play last night. I volunteered at the Pop Montreal show. He was good, pretty used to performing. No glitz or pomp, song to song, not much talking. He played a few songs from his forthcoming album. He played with Don Kerr, who Ivy was just saying played drums on her album for a song or two.