Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sunrise on Gordon Street

Looking south east down Gordon Street towards the Speed River at sunrise.



Anonymous said...

Sleepy little town we live in.....


randy sutherland said...

I know I felt sleepy...

randy sutherland said...

Guelph is the county seat with about 100,000 persons. Most of the attractions that come to mind are cultural: Contemprary Dance Festival, Spring Music Festival, Jazz Festival, Hillside Music Festival, Multicultural Festival, and various arts, film, writers' festivals. Although beautiful Guelph is not really a 'tourist attraction'- there are unique natural wonders like the Niagara Escarpment and refreshing Great Lakes waters nearby - that's where more people go to tour.

Anonymous said...

my dad ran the red light there once, crossing gordon st, while a cop watched from the other side of the intersection.
I got excited and wondered aloud why the cop didn't bust him! My dad suggested quietly
"Always wear your necktie."

randy sutherland said...

sandy, maybe they thought it was a detective bringing in a hard case. I heard today they were recommending that doctors stop wearing ties since they made more people sick than better by acting as germ dispensers.

Anonymous said...

well, i'm pretty healthy and wear no neck ties except when i want to...

remind me to tell you how effie tried to sell me down the river for dulse/false-dope... maybe you know this sad tale:

Evelyn Smith Mackay (names have benn changed to protect the innocent) called the cops to arrest her son (me) when she thought i had a bag of dope- it was a bag of dulse, ground up... luckily, Ken Mackay sniffed the bag of "dope" before the cops collected me out of high school classes...

she was about 4 years pre-mature

randy sutherland said...

haha. Just wondering how your father developed such a nose.