Monday, May 08, 2006

The Lost Gosling Returns Home

Walking around a small pond I noticed two Canada Geese and their brood cruising slowly and rubber necking the whole time. I wondered what was up but not being a goose mind reader paid little attention and went round the pond to look at a beaver lodge. While checking out the lodge I startled this young gosling who was lounging on the bank. He high tailed out across the water where his parents were calling him - he received a dressing down from both parents as he cowered before them.

The Arboretum, Guelph


Anonymous said...

And here I thought that goose dressing had bread and onion in it.

Tough love for the gosling means the possibility of seeing adulthood. Humans could learn from this!


Anonymous said...

hey sue,
don't you think that the gosling is more threatnened by airplanes, disrution of migration zones, ducks unlimited and global warming? A photographer doesn't eat (many) goslings

parents always pick the easy things to correct

goose (and gosling) dressing is good with green onion and butter too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandy,

I wasn't thinking that baby bird was threatened by Randy. And of course all the human disruptions you mention are a menace for sure.

I was thinking Mamma Goose was likely more concerned with turtles....


randy sutherland said...

Perhaps I was being a bit too anthropomorphic - maybe the adults were just ensuring it was indeed one of their own.