Sunday, June 18, 2006

Guelph Multicultural Festival #3

There is always a fascinating mix of people in the audience as well as on the stage at the multicultural festival.
Embracing diversity and practicing respect and tolerance are key to our success, which reminds me, I saw an interesting button today which read, "I'm straight - but not narrow."



Lorna said...

I want that button! Maybe I'll just have it tattooed on.

Anonymous said...

and Lorna, where will you have that tattoed for premuim advertising value?!
interestig in light of "colour blind" discussions previously- the way to heaven is said to be "straight and narrow". Some fundi's that i speak with say that there is One Straight and Narrow Way to Heaven, as if the way to heaven was a single paved path 30 centimentres wide. Me, I think my path to heaven is
straight = focused, following ideals, (though so far pretty winding)
but too that everyone follows their own path, straight or wide, sour or gay...
enjoying the photos of the dancers

randy sutherland said...

Lorna, you'll have to post a photo of that tatoo ;)
Hey Sandy, that photo on the colour vision thread was taken in your beautiful sister's beautiful garden.